Monday, May 5, 2008

The Big City Guy

Hi my name is Adrian Ivasic this will be my second missions trip my first one will be to Croatia a month prior. God has blessed my life is so many ways much is required of me. I hope I can help with the situations and experiences we encounter. I am working in a gym all summer and am a Sport Management major I also play football for Sterling. I am excited to see what God has in store for me in Kenya!


Jessica Hounshell said...

Hey Baby.. just wanted to tell you that I am going to miss you very much (Well I already do) but I hope you see some awsome animals (lion). Have a safe trip and I hope you feel God all around you! -- Volim Te

Jessica Hounshell said...

It's getting harder and harder here without you :( I want you to come back soon.. but you are still 8 days away. I miss you SOOOO MUCH Adrian and I hope you are enjoying this journey!
Volim Te forever and ever,
Your Jessica