Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Artist

JoAnna Hockersmith is now a recent Sterling College graduate with an art degree, a farming background, a passion for sushi, and a present career in nursing. She loves to serve and to invest in others and to spend her time discovering God. This will be her first overseas mission trip thanks to so many loving and supportive people in her life. She's eager to find what God's prepared for her in Kenya.


Keith Hockersmith said...

Hi JoAnna i found that i did not do it right, i will send this out to every one and our church have a great time! WITH LOTS OF PRAYERS.Dad and mom ,Kate

Brenda Mattson said...

Thinking of you way up there in the blue skies! :) May this mission trip be all you hope it to be JoAnna. Blessings be over you and everyone in your mission group. It was really good to talk w/you before you left. Enjoy every moment and our prayers go with you.

Herb and Brenda

SpazWonder said...

Oh hai! I'll be thinking about you in your absence from the country, dear Sister. And also checking back here now and then to see how you guys are doing. Yep, kluvyabai!----Amy

Keith Hockersmith said...

tell us how you have been and the trip (flight)we are thinking of you a lot, have a good time . dad &mom , kate

Dixie Zerr said...

You, along with everyone in your group are in our prayers that you have many touching and defining moments as you reach out to those who need you SO much. You guys are getting to experience only what most of us dream of doing. We are very proud of you! Have a wonderful time and treasure every minute!!
Love You!
Mick, Dixie, Craig, Austin & Kayla